Hadi Farhan

Designer / Modeler / Animator / Editor

My Mission

For 5 years onwards planning, my target wants to work in animation field or game field. Actually before this i'm not determine want to continue work in animation field but after i'm finish intern at Lemonsky Animation, I can see that i can go to that field. Additional, my leader during intern and my lecturer told me that I have talent on it. By that, i'm decide it want to work as modeler or lighter first  at Lemonsky Animation after graduate for gain more experience. Insyaallah, after 3 years work, i want to try go to my dream studio Square Enix Entertainment which is famous with the series of games Final Fantasy.

As a person who will involved in creative industry, I hope I can contribute my skills on Malaysian animation. After that, i'm also active join the CG international group to share work or do freelance with the overseas people. By that, the world can know the level of CG artist's Malaysia in CG world. My hope for Malaysia's animation is improve the quality so it can become the same level with the big animation studio from overseas like Pixar or Walt Disney Studio.


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